A: Detrusor Overactivity of Mild to Moderate Severity
Generally, some behavioural therapy under the guidance of a continence nurse or physiotherapist will be recommended as part of therapy. This will incorporate bladder training techniques, the principles of which are to:
- Suppress Urgency
- Increase Voided (urine passed) Volumes
- Decrease Frequency
- Decrease Urgency
B: Detrusor Overactivity of Moderate to Marked Severity
Generally, medication will be required. One of the groups of medications below might be chosen.
- Propantheline (probanthine)
- Oxybutynin (ditropan)
- Oxytrol (ditropan in Patch Form)
- Tolterodine (detrusitol)
- Solifenacin (vesicare)
- Mirabegron (betmiga)
Those medications generally appropriate for nighttime use only, are:
- Amitryptyline (tryptanol)
- Imipramine (tofranil)The following medication is appropriate for cases of bed-wetting:
- Desmopressin (minirin)
All medications carry side effects, which should be discussed prior to commencing treatment.
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Practice Contact Phone Numbers: St Vincent’s Clinic 02 8382 6983; Mater Clinic 02 9950 4610